Detroit, Michigan News Releases
(Detroit.CityRegions.Com, January 15, 2015 ) Bloomfield Hills, MI -- Cafe Deluxe, 2014 - recently introduced their brand new French Press Coffee Maker on the market. Cafe Deluxe is a company in the coffee industry that primarily creates premium products for their customers. Cafe Deluxe has created an excellent reputation over this year to over-deliver on their customer's expectations of the overall quality of the product and the service they provide in the coffee industry.
"French Press. It's preferable to filtering in that the oils which contain many of the complex flavor compounds are more likely to make it to the final product. In dripped (or filtered) coffee methods, since the oils sit on top of the coffee, most of them are trapped in the paper filters or settle on top of the filtered grounds. Since a press filters from top to down and use a courser mess screen, those oils have a better chance of making it through the screen and into the beverage." noshon.it/blog
"For me, a cook who's infusing, then filtering, things all the time for one use or another, I just went to my fallback French press for cold brewing coffee. I am not a fan of single use appliances, but having said that, if your client were to make a cold brew coffee system that would streamline my infusing and filtering of various things, I'd definitely give it a go. My number one requirement is something that will give me a good infusion yet not leave me with a sludgy mess that needs to be filtered and refiltered and re...ad infinitum. The French press does this quite well, even for things like ground coffee. The lack of bitterness in cold brewed coffee is a factor of the low temp, so that wouldn't be an advantage in an "appliance." food52.com/blog/
This particular product is available on Cafe Deluxe Amazon store. Due to the increased popularity of this particular product, daily coffee drinkers have concluded that this is the only method they will ever need as they prepare their daily cup of coffee.
About Cafe Deluxe
Cafe Deluxe is a company in the coffee industry that creates products that their raving coffee fans love to use. Cafe Deluxe is determined to delivering extraordinary service and offering a French Press Coffee Maker that enrich daily coffee drinks.
Cafe Deluxe
Lannie Norris
Source: EmailWire.Com
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